Rev Ngamsha Maxcel becomes the first Permanent Deacon for English Cameroon In Europe

                                                    By Shey Tatah Sevidzem Wo Scandy.
Rev Ngamsha

The Weekend was full and marked with excitement, hope, joy, and celebration as Cameroonians from all over the UK assembled in St Chad's cathedral Birmingham to witness the ever  first Ordained Permament Deacon from the English Speaking part of Cameroon in Europe Rev Deacon Ngamsha Maxcel married to Ngamsha Victorine Kintarir. They All Hail from Nso Bui Division in the North West Region of Cameroon.

Rev Ngamsha, Archbishop Corneluis, the three kids &; wife, High Commissioner & Wife

Ngamsha Maxcel now a Deacon is married with three Kids, Berinyuy Ngamsha, Solii Ngamsha, Yula Ngamsha and now an adopted daughter studying in Yaounde Cameroon, Melanie Ngamsha.
I know the question will be, how can a married person be ordained Deacon in the Catholic church?

These questions and more were read in the minds of many when an invitation was sent and those who knew this family so well and fallen short of the doctrine and declarations of the catholic kept asking very many unanswered questions. The Archbishop of Bamenda Cornelius Fontem who nursed Rev Ngamsha and wife some 30 years back the then Bishop of kumbo who left Cameroon purposely for this Ordination as Grandparents to the couple will later explain this declaration.
Archbishop Cornelius Esua & Shey Tatah Wo Scandy
According to the the declaration from the Congregation of Catholic Education, Congregation of Clergy on the basic norms for the formation of priests and Deacons LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICANA

The permanent Diaconate, restored by the Second Vatican Council, in complete continuity with ancient Tradition and the specific decision of the Council of Trent, has flourished in these last decades in many parts of the Church — with promising results, especially for the urgent missionary work of new evangelisation. The Holy See and many Episcopates, in promoting this ecclesial experience, have continually afforded norms and guidelines for the life and formation of deacons. The growth of the permanent Diaconate, however, now gives rise to a need for a certain unity of direction and clarification of concepts, as well as for practical encouragement and more clearly defined pastoral objectives. The total reality of the Diaconate — embracing its fundamental doctrinal vision, discernment of vocation, as well as the life, ministry, spirituality and formation of deacons — calls for a review of the journey thus far made, so as to arrive at a global vision of this grade of Sacred Orders corresponding to the desire and intention of the Second Vatican Council.

The St Chad's Cathedral and its congregation was filled to the brim with both priests and religious men and women from all over the globe. More than 30 Deacons, 25 priests were at the alter to bid their brother a hearty Welcome to the ministry. The choir was solemn with selected and spicy songs well fitted in the celebration 

It should be worth noting that during the Eucharist, Rev Ngamsha Maxcel was given the opportunity to distribute Communion not only to the Birmingham christians but also to the Cameroonians who witnessed the occasion and were blessed to receive first hand Communion from the hands of the newly Ordained. 

The exit procession which caught the attention of all was witnessed with a hand of applause to the Ordained, the Birmingham Arch Bishop and our own very Archbishop Cornelius Esua for a job well done. This led to merry making and meeting of both new and old friends. 

The Event was not only attended by religious but by top Government Officials the Cameroon High Commissioner & Family, His deputy & Family, other Nso dignatories, Like the Banin groups, Friends and well wishers

While you enjoy the images and video, i shall be right back with the details of the reception and the Thanksgiving Mass with the Archbishop of Bamenda

Reporting from the Scandy Palace by
Shey Tatah Sevidzem Wo Scandy


  1. I remember Deacon Ngamsha, very well in one xmas night vigil mass in Mbve parish some two years ago, in which he talked about his formation and the commotion that was in the church. Never was it heard off by many people backhome for any man of the ordination to be married, talkless of having children. With the presence of the Archbishop of the Holy see of Bamenda, many shall come to understand. Deacon Ngamsha, you are welcome. we are always the first. from Fr. Wankui.we will put you in our prayers

    1. Thanks for reading, your story is that of an eye witness Mr Ngalim

  2. Congratulations! And who says that the catholic church is not CHANGING. Who knows what comes as the next revolution in the church? Go ye therefore to all men and preach the word,....

    1. My dear Fomo lol, how do i know is u? well the truth is that this issue is not new in the church. We have many permanent deacons in West Cameroon, my next write up shall explain why we do not have them yet in English speaking part

  3. Dear Shey,

    Quite interesting event. An eye opener to many. I have been struggling to reconsider my stance with regards to serving the church. This ordination seems very inspiring and almost urging me to go straight away into the formation.

    How about that?


    Terry Yuh Yong

    1. My Dear Yong Yuh,
      This is the possibility, and to add u are fully qualified, only one recommendation is needed, that of your wife. I messed up the day i became polygamous. Do contact me privately for more practical info after having a chat with ur mistress.

  4. I wish I could get more insights on this. I wish I could serve as a deacon someday. Can someone help me with a contact?

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