Befitting reception to Rev. Ngamsha Biakai & Archbishop Cornelius F. Esua

                                                By Shey Tatah Sevidzem Wo Scandy

St Chad's Cathedral Birmingham & Church Ministers/officials
The journey and trip from St Chad's Cathedral after the Ordination ceremony to the reception ground in
 St Mary the mount Parish, Glebe Street, Walsall, WS1 3NF
could only be compared to the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem, an allusion the Man of the day is going to make reference to in his speech.

It should be worth noting that Every glorious event deserves a reception befitting the occasion. Whether an intimate candlelight affair, casual outdoor party, or formal indoor dinner, Rev Ngamsha and Archbishop Esua landing from the prestigeous Limousine with  refined smiles created a classic celebration as they were thrilled and led to the reception Hall by some highly selected high profiled pretty ladies and handsome men in red and black suits respectively.

Sharon  Lola & Juliet Takov leading the procession
All was viewed and envied by sympathisers and well wishers from across the globe as other dignatories joined the procession. Getting close to the entrance, Nso UK comprising of Kifu ke Samba, Banin, Maandze, Kintintin etc joined the convoy with the only well chosen music from the tribute sister sung by Adeline Mbenkum, whose lone artist happened to be part of the event live.

Dignatories leading Rev. Ngamsha to the Hall

Rev Niba & Wife
 As they say, "Behind every successful man is a woman". This fitted so apt here as the role of the woman is prime for such a celebration taking place as we will later learn from the speakers that the first recommendation has to come from the wife before a man can be ordained a permanent deacon. This other person is no other but Victorine Ngamnsha Kintarir, who has stood behind the husband all through their years of about 13 years in matrimony

Vicky Ngamsha, wife to Rev Max

The Procession to the hall could only be decribed by this dark and nosiy video which i must apologize for the poor quality, but bear with me the joy and excitement could not give room for such adjustments. 

 As all took their seats, the introduction of MCs and chairperson took off immediately as Dr Osric Navti was humbled to chair the reception an expression he mentioned during a very brief speech, asking all to join and celebrate for there was every reason to do so.

His brief speech which was straight to the point and rich in meaning gave room for Nso to prove the talents they got, what we call "Nso got talents" as Sharon Lola took the stage to sing for the newly Ordained and guests all present. She was not let to sing alone as our own very artist Nene ambang joint her from one corner of the hall to spice the juicy voice echoed by Sharon lola.

Sharon Lola on stage

Nerys Ambang
 Invited at the reception were two Sheys of high portfolio, Shey Tatah Wo Scandy one of the  secretaries of all traditional rulers in the Diaspora, (NgangseWong) and Shey Gamsi Damasius Taah Nteh of all traditional rulers in Europe also known as Shey Wo Leicester
Shey Tatah Wo Scandy & Shey Dama Gama wo Leicester

 Joining the ranks of Nso leaders was Dr Cosmas Mbuh, Banin UK president who also took the floor first as the father to all Nso sons and daughters to welcome all present at the ceremony. He invited all to celebrate in peace and make the best out of it.

 Another Shey all the way from Cape Town  South Africa who for some reasons did not join his mates present was Shey Muki who answered present at the event. His presence was later on recognized by his fellow Sheys for gracing the event.
Shey Tatah & Shey Muki
The MCs for the day Emmanuel & Nerys entertained the audience with exciting activities intermixed with speeches from the various invitees.
The first event that stole the show and taking the Archbishop off his feet was the Kikum ke Banin UK that found Shey Tatah on the lead, an assertion to the saying that "No matter how you train a monkey, it will always climb trees". Watching such a great video with beautiful images can only but bring Nostalgia and the longing for such presentations abroad. Here is a full video of the Kikum presentation by Evans

 We had speeches from the first Cameroonian  permanent Deacon and wife from the English speaking part who traveled all the way from Chicago- USA, a gap i personally felt took long to fill, 9 years. Rev Niba Michael and wife took upon themselves to explain the role of the permanent deacon and the challenges they are to face as a family and as volunteers to church.

Rev Neba
Mrs Neba Conduting the cake
Rev Michael Neba in his speech called on the Archbishop of Bamenda to officially hand Rev Ngamsha and family to the Diocese of Birmingham explaining the working area and what it takes to work for the church.

The wife of Rev Ngamsha came to the stage, proud of the crowd and surprised at the fact that they were fed, she admitted she had not boiled an egg for the ceremony, this great appreciation was going to the various Nso groups and friends who took this as a challenge to offer the guests a bite and drink which served as fuel to the event. She expressed her past life with her husband and how it led to them being together with a beautiful family which she cherishes so well. She went ahead to introduce them to the public.The three biological kids: Beri, Soli &Yula Ngamshas joint with their elder sisters Sheila Maika and Belinda. They had bought a stole for Rev and were given the opportunity to dress him up. As amateurs, it was wrongly put but God was on their side as rev Neba intervened.

The MC took the Microphone from Rev Neba and handed over to the man whose reason we were celebrating. Like husband, like wife, she started by taking us back to his chidlhood life which he spent with many present, amongst them was Shey Tatah whom he said was surprised to see in church, the same person that served as his best man some 13 years back during their wedding. He left his childhood friend to express the role they played in the church and how the present Grandfather Archbishop Esua has been instrumental in the upbringing of their lives. Grateful to all, he could only give Thanks to the Good Lord for making this dream come true.

Rev Max talking

Rev Max complimenting wife

Rev Max complimenting Mr Takwa Judith

Rev Max & Mrs Takwa Judith

These Great speeches left the Archbishop, Esua speechless as he remarked when asked to give a word, but a ceremony of this calibre kept words flowing from his wisdom. He started by singing a song which took us as far back as 25 years during the youth moment. "I know that Jesus loves me". This was the theme of his speech which recurred throughout. The archbishop acknowledging to be the Grand father of the Ngamshas, expressed the joy he got when asked to recommend him some 5 years back. He also took advantage of his time to answer the question posed by the MC why we do not have permanent deacons in Cameroon. First he acknowledged that Cameroon do have a lot in the French speaking parts of Cameroon but explained why it became a problem for the English speaking part yet challenged anyone who could offer his services to the church for free to take upon himself that initiative.

He said both couples were committed in two ways but not having the better part of both lives.
The archbishop going back to the question asked by the MC on why we do not have permament deacons in Cameroon explained the first reason as that of material. Before then he took time to explain the role of a permament deacon and when it was instituted, Cameroon being one of those countries shortlisted by the vatican

The Permanent Diaconate
The experience of the Church over several centuries has generated the norm of conferring the priesthood only on those who have already received the Diaconate and exercised it appropriately.(26) The Order of deacons, however, “should not be considered merely a step towards the Priesthood”.(27)
“One of the fruits of the Second Vatican Council was the desire to restore the diaconate as a proper and stable rank of the hierarchy”.(28) On the basis of the “historical circumstances and pastoral purposes noted by the Council Fathers, the Holy Spirit, protagonist of the Church's life, worked mysteriously to bring about a new and more complete actualization of the hierarchy which traditionally consists of bishops, priests and deacons. In this manner the Christian community was revitalized, configured more closely to that of the

Apostles which, under the influence of the Paraclete, flourished as the Acts of the Apostles(29) testifies.
The permanent Diaconate is an important enrichment for the mission of the Church.(30) Since the munera proper to deacons are necessary to the Church's life,(31) it is both convenient and useful, especially in mission territories,(32) that men who are called to a truly diaconal ministry in the Church, whether liturgical or pastoral, charitable or social, “be strengthened by the imposition of hands, which has come down from the Apostles, and more closely united to the altar so as to exercise their ministry more fruitfully through the sacramental grace of the diaconate”.(33)
Vatican City, 22 February 1998, Feast of the Chair of Peter.

Entertainement continued with the Nso UK staging one of the Nigerian Music "E no easy" by P square with the modern way of dancing. Performing and attracting attention were the Navti Family, The Rev Deacon himself and daughter (Yula), Bongy Fanso and Beryl Navti leading from the position of the audience with Rev Ngamsha switching places. The Chairman of the occasion Dr Osric Navti proved his worth on the rythmn of the music, Prudence Banseka, Audrey Viban and Mrs Ngamsha were spotted stealing the show as well as many joined the scene.

Merry making continued as the archbishop bypassed the Toh dance on the stage well exhausted for the day at about 11 pm rushing to the Bishop's house so as not to be locked out.
After our Toh led by Bongy Fanso, the DJ Angafor Giddeon took over the show and the rest of the story can be told by dancers.

Last part shall be the Thanksgiving mass. Enjoy the rest of the pictures

Compiled by Shey Tatah Wo scandy


  1. so awesome the nso community and more greese to the ordained deacon's family

    1. Thanks for reading, we are grateful to God for the success of this event.

  2. Hello all,
    Nice to have this good stuff,after going thru the pics and literature, only tears ran down my cheeks, Congrats , Rev.Ngamsha, do you still remember you taught me how to dance njang (taa njang bati njang yer woun doa lim a sang mbaw....hahahaha,) in the late 89, at ta Mbeve, catholic church,Kumbo,and to you Shey Tatah D , my hat gose off for this piece , keep up man, God bless you all.
    Tata Francis Tangka

    1. My name sake and mate Tatah Francis,
      Thanks for memory lane. It is also nice to reconnect with u after a long while. The experience with Rev Ngamsha shows that our destiny can only be delayed not denied. Cheers
